Sep 24·edited Sep 24Liked by Ben Caplan, MD

Far too long has organic medicines been thrown under the rug and left ignored and hated by those in power

For the organic medicines of our world connect us with it and those around. An organic provided by the earth is criminal but a synthetic created by man is prescription.

It is what it is ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ some people were told by doctors they'd be immobile and die. Cannabis was discovered and those doctors are keeping patients sick while the organics somehow "cure".

You can't make money if you cure you patients. Big Pharma is behind the stigma. but I just don't understand the reason behind the stigma. Cannabis brought Ohio 11Million within the first couple weeks now implement a % of cannabis tax income to the medical research but that can't happen with how unregulated cannabis is. In CA alone 200k products with known Pesticides were left on the shelves earlier this year. Governor and the people who are meant to regulate cannabis just took 10% of the products off the shelves and left the rest for us to consume. What a joke the United States are. America died with JFK.

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I hear your frustration, and you’re not alone. So many people have felt the same disconnect between the healing potential of natural medicines and the way our systems seem to push them aside. It’s hard to make sense of why something like cannabis, which has helped so many, gets criminalized, while synthetic drugs are handed out freely. The role of big industries like Pharma certainly plays a part in this, and it’s frustrating to see the stigmas they’ve helped create stick around.

It’s especially sad to hear about things like the pesticides left unchecked on shelves in California, showing how even the regulation of cannabis can fall short. We can only hope that with more advocacy and research, things will change for the better. There’s still a lot of work to be done, but voices like yours are part of the push for a more compassionate, balanced approach to health.

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